Masterclass – HR Day

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13:30 - 15:30


Salons Van Edel, Wilrijk

13.30 Welcome & Registration Masterclass

14.00 Introduction of Masterclass by Peter Vermeylen, Chairman CIOforum & CIO UZA

14.15 The importance of self-knowledge in leadership by Francis Van den Driessche, Managing Partner at The Bayard Partnership

This Masterclass will review the definition of self-knowledge and examine, based on studies, why self-knowledge is so important in modern leadership and how self-awareness can be increased. Francis has a passion for assisting people to achieve their full potential. He helped more than 300 people (mostly management level) map their self-knowledge and optimize their behavioral styles. After a +25y management career in corporate, medium & large SME’s, Francis has been Managing Partner at The Bayard Partnership since 2018, where his responsibilities include internal and external relationship management. He has also been PeopleKeys DISC certified since 2012 and is a certified Stress & Burnout and Career coach.

15.30 Closing Masterclass & Registration CIO Speaker’s Café


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